AiFOS – Associazione Italiana Formatori ed Operatori della Sicurezza sul Lavoro (Italian Association of occupational safety trainers and operators ) – is an Italian organization officially recognized by the Ministry of Economy Development as a professional association issuing certificate of quality to its subscribers.
M&M Forgings is now AiFOS Training Center, a direct structure and organization of training courses related to occupational safety and health; as a training center is therefore able to supply courses for workplace safety.
Our service is directed to all companies and especially to:
- Managers (training and refresher courses);
- Supervisors (training and refresher courses);
- Health, Safety & Environment Chiefs (refresher courses);
- Workers ‘ Representative for safety (training and refresher courses);
- Fire-fighting and first medical aid authorized personnel (training and refresher courses);
- Workers (General and specific training courses);
- Users of the following equipment:
- Lift trucks;
- Lift platforms;
- Overhead travelling crane.
- Workers in suspected pollution environments (DPR 177/2011).
We believe that continuing training is essential to start and enforce a working cultural transformation project in terms of knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviours and decision-making trends: a good training, through an active and dynamic approach of workers, will allow an increase in awareness, responsibility and problem-solving skills.
Prevention in occupational safety has always been for M&M Forgings a primary theme in its culture, be entered in the AiFOS Trainers Register represents an important achievement and a great potential for future developments.